Syksyn sävel

Useimmat tuntemistani ihmisistä on aina ihmetelleet sitä, miksi sanon että tunnen olevani elossa syksyllä. Syksy on mulle (varmaan kouluvuosista johtuen) aina ollut sellaisen uuden alun ja tulevaisuuden unelmoimisen aikaa! Tuntuu, että kaikki on mahdollista ja tulevaisuutta odottaa innolla. Monet valittaa, että syksyllä tulee kunnon syysmasennus. Mieli apeana, motivaatio miinuksella jne. Itsellä on ollut niin, että tälläset fiilikset mulle tulee usein keväällä! Kun kaikki muut alkaa innoissaan odottelemaan ja suunnittelemaan kesää niin minä jään kotiin suremaan, että voivoi kun ei oo taaskaan mitään saanut aikaseksi. Tämä vuosi ei ole keväsmasennuksen suhteen eronnut aikaisemmista,  mutta yllätyksekseni olen nyt huomannut, että pelaan harmikseni kahdessa eri tiimissä, eli syysmasis here I come! Olo tuntuu jotenkin tosi toivottomalta, että asiat hoituus kunnolla. Tuntuu siltä,  että yhden asian/ongelman saat selvitettyä niin uus putkahtaa saman tien tilalle. Se taas aiheuttaa kierteen, että on epäonnistuja ja tulevaisuus menee ihan plörinäksi ja, että junnaa vaan paikallaan missään onnistumatta. Lannistavaa. Todella lannistavaa.



Venetsia kutsuu tällä viikolla! Wohoo! Perjantaina olis lähtö, alan olla aika innoissani 🙂 Joonaksen kanssa mietittiin, että ois kiva lähteä jollekin lyhyelle ulkomaanreissulle nyt kun mulla alkaa loma.


Katseltiin erilaisia äkkilähtöjä ja pitkän viikonlopun vaihtoehtoina oli lähinnä Romaniaa ja Unkaria. Kiinnosti nekin, mut sitkun näin ihan samalla hinnalla lennot Venetsiaan päätettiin, että tää on just sopiva! En oo ikinä käynyt ennen Venetsiassa ja en oo oikeen koskaan ajatellutkaan käyväni mut heti kun tää idea tuli innostuin todella. Ainoa huono puoli minkä oon Venetsiasta kuullu on sen, että siellä haisee. Mikä ei sinänsä oo ihme, sillä vanhojen talojen viemarit edelleen tiputtaa kaiken sinne kanaaliveteen. Mutta kaikki on nimenomaan kehunut sen kauneutta ja onhan paikka yks maailman tunnetuimmista turstikohteista, että ihan periaatteestahan se on nähtävä.


Ei yövytä Venetsiassa, koska sellanen ois maksanut maltaita. Ollaan yötä lähikylässä Mestressä mantereella. Bussilla pääsee kuulemma 20 minuutissa Venetsiaan ja on musta ihan hyvä olla jollain rauhallisella alueella, missä on varmaan itsesäänkin paljon nähtävää!


Kerron lisää sitten reissun jälkeen. Nyt lähden töihin. Tällä hetkellä jäisin oikeesti mielummin kotiin siivoomaan, vähän sellanen päivä mutta minkäs teet 🙂

Jumpuit summer

Mua on jotenkin lähiaikoina kiinnostanut ajatus jumpsuiteista hyvänä kesävaatteena. Ebay on ystävä ja eilen ostinkin niitä sitten kolme kappaletta! Kauheen lyhyiltähän noi näyttää mut selluliittireidet saa aina peitettyä esim sukkiksilla 😉


Mulla on joka kesä kauheesti ongelmia vaatteiden kanssa. Legginsit on tylsiä, mekot ja hameet lentelee ja takamus siis vilahtelee, housut on kuumia, shortsit kanssa helposti tylsiä. Tää ajais saman asian kuin mekko, mutta ois shortsit mukana estäen yllättäisten tuulenpuuskien aiheuttamat itsensäpaljastelut. Ebaystä ostettaessa vaatteen koko ja kunto on aina vähän yllätysseikkoja, mutta jos kyseiset asut ei minulle sovi, lahjoitan siskolle tai heitän kirppikselle.

Yrittänyttä ei laiteta!

Hyvä naamapäivä + tylsät kuulumiset

Lähiaikoina ei ole oikeastaan tapahtunut yhtään mitään! Ehdin käymään Tampereella viime viikolla kavereita moikkaamassa ja eksyttiin jopa baariin asti. Käteen jäi muistot yli kahden tunnin booty sheikkaamisesta sekä allaolevat taidokkaat “en ole humalassa” näytteet.


Mulla oli myös tässä kuussa oikein hyvä face day! Siis sellainen harvinainen päivä millon naama omasta mielestä näyttää hyvältä vaikka miten vääntelisit. Harvinaista herkkua se on ja usein kännykän kuvakansio täyttyykin kyseisinä päivinä lukuisista pärstäkuvista, jotka taistelevat toistensa kanssa siitä, mikä niistä päätyy uusimmaksi feissariprofiilikuvaksi. Pakkohan se on siis tännekin jakaa, rajaan toki saldon nyt kahteen “parhaimpaan” otokseen :’D


Tampere-reissua lukuunottamatta aika on lähinnä kulunut maatessa kotona ja käydessä töissä. Sosialisointikin on ollut suhteellisen minimaalissa, sekä kämpän kuntoon laittaminen. Jotenkin tää muuttokamojen purkaminen ja asioiden oikeille paikoille pistäminen on vaan jäänyt sen jälkeen kun eka iso erä saatiin kunnolla laitettua. Noh, ehkä ensi viikolla sais jostain kerättyä oi tätä mysteeristä energiaa ja motivaatiota ja kämpän sais sellaseeseen kuntoon, että tänne kehtais ottaa jopa vieraita. Laiskotellessa random roskia, roinaa ja vaatekappaleita vaan kertyy joka paikkaan ja heti kun pitää edes kahden hengen illanistujaiset, näyttää olkkarin pöytä tältä:

Laiskottelua on toki edesauttanut Destinyn toisen DLC:n House of Wolvesin ilmestyminen. Joonas sitä toki on hakannut huomattavasti enemmän kuin minä, mutta omalla kohdallani se eilenkin pilasi mun mahdollisuudet saada paljon tehtyä kodin eteen kuten siivota ja pyykätä. Vai olenkohan ihan itse syypää tähän saamattomuuteen? 🙂 Noh mielummin pelaa silloin kun huvittaa + koska kyseessä on lähinnä kavereiden ja muiden kanssa pelattava peli ja tällä hetkellä kaikki takoo uusia juttuja kauheella vauhdilla.

Katsellaan josko tästä kämpästä olisi ensi kerralla jotain esiteltävää. Fingers crossed!

Aikuisiän painajainen: Muuttopäivä

Tänään koitti kauan kauhistuttanut muuttopäivä. Muuttoa on odoteltu kuukauden päivät ja yritetty henkisesti varautua tähän koitokseen. Aikuisiällä muiden elämäntragedioiden ohella muutto on kyllä varmasti monelle ultimate inhokkiasia. Minä en muista siinä suhteessa eroa. Vaikka kuinka yrittäisi tehdä asioita etukäteen, pakata, siivota ja järjestellä, niin ikinä ei vaan saa etukäteen tehtyä tarpeeksi.


Tämänpäiväinen muutto meni itseasiassa aika ok! Helpotti varmaan se, että vaikeita hommia oli tehty jo etukäteen (mm. hella siivottu) ja pari isointa huonekalua viety etukäteen erillisessä kuormassa. Plus auttajina oli itse muuttopäivänä yhteensä viisi ja ennen muuttoa oli myös tarjolla vähän apua.


Edes vaikeiden ja isojen huonekalujen kantaminen oo kyllä niin syvältä kuin 1. sen pikkuturhatilpehöörin kantaminen edestakaisin, siinä kokee sellaisia epätoivon hetkiä että miksi ihminen kerää kaikkea turhaa tavaraa ja tekis mieli vaan heittää laatikot armotta roskiin katsomatta niiden sisältöä ja 2. LOPPUSIIVOUS. Loppusiivouksessa kun tulee katsottua kaikki raot ja stressattua tahroista ja liasta josta ei normaalisi yhtään välittäisi.

Kun paku ja peräkärry oli saatu pakattua lähdettiin hidasta vauhtia köröttelemään kohti Pomarkkua minne heitettiin peräkärryn sisältämä roina.


Täällä sitten Joonaksen porukoilla grilliruokaa, saunaa ja pari alkoholia sisältävää sihijuomaa. Ihanaa arkista rentoutumista niin huomenna jaksaa loput kamoista (2/3 ;_;) roudaamaan Porin keskustaan viidennessä kerroksessa olevaa kerrostaloasuntoon. Vaikka postit onkin tänne tulleet koko viikon, huomenna kun suurin osa kamoista on Porin kämpillä voin taas virallisesti alkaa kutsumaan itseäni paljasjalkaiseksi Porilaiseksi!

Gran Canaria


Our mom had this sudden idea of a quick family beach trip during December and we booked a trip to Gran Canaria for January.

All six of us (me, my bf, my twinsister, her bf, my mom and my grandma) took the same flight from Helsinki to Las Palmas. We arrived quite late in the afternoon and the weather was really windy and cloudy. During the first day we just strolled around and had some dinner since it was so late.

The next day we walked to Maspalomas to visit a market. The walk took over an hour and it was pretty hot but it was nice to see the local surroundings. I was pretty much the only person in our family who bought anything. I haggled for a blue dummer dress, I was proud of myself for haggling hah!


After the market my mom and grandma stayed at the hotel and we went to the beach. It was lovely, except the sea water was ice cold! The waves were so big though that you didn’t have time to regret the decision of going to the water because you get wet in an instant when a wave hit your face.


During the evening we went to have some drinks with my mother’s friends and then dinner after that. Our drinks were so cool, they looked like kid’s drinks but boy did they taste like tequila!


After dinner grandma acted a little oddly. She was exhausted and had trouble speaking. We initially thought it was a heat stroke and she just went to bed. In the morning she was slightly better but still acted a little odd so my mom took her to the hospital. As it turned out she had had a minor stroke so she had to stay at the hospital. Luckily it was just a minor stroke and she managed to go to the hospital so everything turned out okay in the end! We couldn’t go visit her on the first days but after she switched wards we were able to.

So for the rest of the days, we just spent most of hung at the beach, the boardwalk and the local shopping centers. My sister and her bf went to Las Palmas during our last full day but me and Joonas decided to just stay at the beach whole day to enjoy the last moments of sun and warmth in months!



Our mom stayed behind with grandma because she needed an all clear from the doctor to be able to travel. She got out of the hospital the next day after we left and her insurance agency got her and mom a new hotel that was all inclusive with shows every night to see so in the end grandma was able to enjoy her holiday as well!

I had a great time, we didn’t explore or get around much but these kinds of relaxing holidays with your family are the best after stressful times!


First days of spring

Last week we spent quite a lot of time at Joonas’s parents house in Pomarkku. There was some work to be done, like washing the cars and doing wood work.


The days spent there really felt like spring, it really feels like it’s finally coming. I like to spend time in Pomarkku because it’s so quiet and rural but I always sleep so badly when I stay over. Come to think of it, I sleep badly whenever I stay in a rural area, especially when I’m in a detached house. City girl for life maybe?



This summer was pretty great! There were a lot of things going on. Work was pretty much nonexistent during the summer because of the music festival season. Right now I am suffering financially because of the summer because I had pretty much no income but well what can you do! I was going through pictures on my phone and I will just share a few random moments from the summer here.

I spent a lot of time in my hometown Pori this summer. Hung out a lot with friends and family, even Mitsu visited Pori at one point. I also worked at the local music festival Pori Jazz, which is a big deal in Pori. Managed to see a lot of interesting well known artists like Hurts, Pet Shop Boys, Kelis and James Blunt. Most of my team members were so fun to be around too, so work didn’t even feel like work half of the time! 🙂 Also the Football World Cup was something I remember about the summer. I don’t usually care about football but I was rooting for Holland so I had to watch the games when things started to get exciting. 😀



During July I was talking about Tinder with a bunch of my friends and decided half-jokingly I would join since I actually heard some good stories about it. It was honestly fun at first and most of the guys I matched with that talked to be pretty soon wanted to meet up and it was obviously just for sex but I talked to some genuinely nice people also! Some of the guys I came across were pure idiots, but it would happen in real life as well. I went on three “dates” with three different guys and it was very interesting! The first one was really different from his profile photos but a nice guy. The second one was pretty much exactly like I imagined him to be but he was kind of pushy and acted like he had read a flirting book or something because the way he acted seemed so thought out and not natural.

The third guy was my match in my hometown Pori on a Sunday evening in the beginning of August. I had just decided I’d quit Tinder for a while since the whole attraction by first sight kind of bothered me but we ended up sending a few messages on Monday. I went out with my friend Christa to a local bar and what do you know, I actually saw him outside the bar saying hello to his friend. His roommate had not paid the electricity bill so he had to go to bar right next to hours to charge his phone and he asked me if I wanted to keep him company when my friend left. I went to the bar he was in and we got along really well. We hung out every day of that week except Friday when I had to go to work in Helsinki and well… That guy is my boyfriend now. 😀 We’ve been dating 1,5 months and now it’s pretty much 2 months since we met! So I would recommend Tinder, of course if you’re bothered by the shallowness of it then it’s not for you. Most people, both male and female seem to be looking for sex but as I experienced, there are some genuinely nice people on there too!

Here are two profile pictures of some random dudes on there I just had to share:


During the beginning of August we celebrated my sister’s boyfriend’s birthday at our friend’s cottage. This is something we’ve done for years but honestly the weekend this summer was the best one ever! We had such a blast, I will probably remember this weekend as one of the best ones spent with friends ever.


During the weekend in mid-August me and Joonas (Tinder guy no.3 and currently (but not then!) my boyfriend) went to Weekend Festival together with my friend Kipsu. As it was sold out and situated in an area with bad reception to begin with I couldn’t get a hold of Kipsu on Friday so we ended up partying alone together with Joonas. But we had a great time nonetheless! On Saturday we met up with Kipsu outside the area so we wouldn’t get lost and it was so fun to party together with her. I really enjoyed the festival, too bad I was kind of drunk on Friday and I didn’t find the stage where the DJ I most wanted to see played at :’D


Here’s a random video clip Kipsu took when she was on Joonas’s shoulders: (her screaming starts when he begins to jump :D)

Will definitely go again next year!

The rest of August I hung out in Pori, hung out in Tampere with friends, worked in Helsinki, drank beer, ate junk food and went back to my old workplace in Tampere since I had so little work in Helsinki.




That’s pretty much my summer in a nutshell! I socialized a lot since I had little work so in that sense the summer was great. On the other hand, with socializing comes money spending and if you don’t have a lot of work, there is no income. Sooooo, like I said, I am having financial difficulties at the moment but hey it’s all part of being an adult and enjoying life I guess?


On our last day we enjoyed a great continental breakfast at our hotel after which we spent an hour or two by the hotel’s pool and jacuzzi. We were the only ones there aside of a middle-aged couple and no wonder, it was a little chilly and windy even though the sun was shining. But the water in the pool was warm so it was great nonetheless!

In the early afternoon we walked around the Redondo Beach Pier which was a quiet and quaint place! We grabbed a random restaurant at the pier for some lunch before we headed back to the hotel to get our stuff and car.

ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageWe stopped by a mall for some last minute clothes shopping before we headed to the airport to give back our car and check-in for our flights. Luckily our planes left at pretty much the same time so we got to spend a lot of time together on the last day before we had to head to the International Terminal for our flight back to Finland and Christa had to go to another terminal for her flight back to Santa Cruz.

At this point I was happy to go home but also happy about our trip! I had a great time, experienced a lot of new things and saw some pretty awesome places. This was my third time in America, with two previous trips concentrating on Florida and New York, so being on the West Coast and the West was so different. Next time I want to go visit the Southern states or some places that are not the typical touristy places to visit!

I think before that, I will try to visit atleast London later this year but we’ll see 🙂

Surprise wedding

A couple of weeks ago two of my best friends got married. The occassion was kept a secret from most of those belonging to our circle of friends and the party was disguised as a birthday party. The birthday party invitations told everyone to dress in fancy clothes and most dressed up in formal attire without knowing it would come in useful in the end! I was invited to visit Sonisphere Festival so I rushed over there in the morning and watched the first three bands and then rushed back to Tampere just in time for the wedding. I didn’t have any time or chance to dress up though, so I just attended in normal clothes.



The wedding ceremony was held at a special Wedding night event held in Tampere, which acts as a chance for couples who want a quiet ceremony to get married in a small church in a quick ceremony. Two couples are married at the same time and the ceremony takes about 15minutes. Honestly I prefered this a lot more than traditional Finnish weddings, the church and the ceremony is usually really tedious and boring for most people involved!

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It was great to witness two very close friends finally tie the knot with other close friends! It was a very happy day.

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The next day we all went to a local dance studio for cheer the newlyweds as they competed in a dancing competition! They came in fourth place, which they were kind of disappointed about but I thought they were incredible. I envied all the dancers, I’m sure it would take me three decades to be able to dance like that!

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